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Relapsing fever in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2023-03-26Updated:2023-03-26
Similar words: relapsinglapsingcollapsingadvertising feerelapserelapse intoprelapsariansinking feelingMeaning: n. marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months. 
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1 There are three types, intermittent fever fever and relapsing fever.
2 Relapsing fever is an acute febrile illness caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia.
3 There are three types, intermittent fever, remittent and relapsing fever.
4 There are three types, intermittent fever, remittent fever and relapsing fever.
5 Now he is in the hospital because he has contracted a relapsing fever.
6 The bloodsucking louse also transmits various commutable diseases such as endemic typhus, trench fever and relapsing fever.
7 N: There are three types, intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever.
8 The body louse, usually found on inner clothing seams,[] is the only proven vector of louse-borne (epidemic) typhus and epidemic relapsing fever.
9 Like flu, typhoid fever, shed a head to wait, also reportorial malaria, relapsing fever waits can cause vitreous body muddy.
10 The bloodsucking louse also transmits various commutable diseases such as endemic typhus, trench fever relapsing fever.
More similar words: relapsinglapsingcollapsingadvertising feerelapserelapse intoprelapsariansinking feelinglicensing feecollapsibleelapsecollapsibilityelapsedtime-lapseelapsed timeretaining feeking ferdinandteaching fellowfevermake the best of everythingq feverreversingfeverfewfeveredfeverishgold feverhay fevercapsizingrun a fevervalley fever
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